Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

PoliticsWarWar on Terror

The Right’s Complete Misunderstanding of War

There was an article recently in The American Conservative by (Ret.) Colonel Douglas Macgregor, U.S. Army, that is very telling concerning the misguided nonsense believed about war. If anyone should know about the real objective of today’s (and yesterday’s) wars, it should be a retired colonel, but he is incredibly confused. This is evident by reading one line from his article:

“The military spends billions on programs and missions that have no basis in reality. This is why we fail, again and again.”

His assumption is that U.S. wars are legitimate, and that the mission is to phisically win the war. First, no U.S. war is legitimate, and secondly, what is winning? Winning is advancing the objective sought, and that objective in this day and age has nothing to do with defeating the so-called enemy, and ending the war.

War is waged by American aggressors for money, power, and geopolitical control. Real defeat of an enemy is not the goal, as the longer the conflict goes on, the more money the controllers make. The politicians are but the facilitators, not the controllers. The banking system and the corporate recipients of military contracts win so long as they continue to gain contracts for war. The politicians win because they continue to gain power and contributions and perks from those profiting from war.

Why else would there be a “War on Terrorism?” It is a never-ending conflict, and therefore allows for massive amounts of spending for an unlimited time. So winning in the eyes of government and its corporate controllers is actually losing the battle. The facts however, indicate that actually winning the war is never the objective. So, what is seen as losing as this colonel suggests is not losing at all. He has been used as a pawn and does not even realize it due to his idiotic false patriotism. He is part of the problem, not the solution.

No war fought by the United states is necessary or legitimate, It is simply naked aggression for profit and power.

Until the citizenry, including those like this colonel who are complicit in the state’s murder and mayhem for profit, wake up and accept the truth, the slaughter of innocents worldwide will continue.

The war machine does not fail, it succeeds in gaining exactly what it seeks. Unfortunately, the people are too ignorant and too filled with apathy to understand the truth, and therefore remain in the dark. This attitude will be the destruction of society as we know it.

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