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Assange and Swedish Lunacy: Conspiracy?

This story began with Julian Assange and Wikileaks releasing information and video that was damning to the U.S. political class and its military, and rightfully so. This was April 10th, 2010. Within a few months, not a surprise to this writer, a fake charge of “rape” was levied against Assange by the Swedish authorities. This was such a botched false flag that it should have been laughable, but considering the ignorance of the common people, especially in the U.S., it was the impetus for what might be described as “the rest of the story.”

Now, after dropping this ridiculous charge twice, the case has suddenly been revived and reopened, just as he lost his asylum. There is no evidence, no rape charges by the so-called victims have ever been filed, but still Sweden’s “deputy” director of public prosecution, Eva-Marie Persson, is seeking the extradition of Assange back to Sweden. This is bizarre, but then the current workings of the political class and the intelligence services worldwide deserve that description and worse.

In addition, the charges by the U.S. against Assange are minor, and consist basically of computer fraud, but Assange was sent to Britain’s Guantanamo Bay, a torture prison called Belmarsh. Assanges’s fate has already been sealed.

I have attempted to discover what strategy is being pursued here, but for the life of me, nothing of substance has been forthcoming. It just makes no sense given the little information available at this time. What is obvious to me is that the destruction of Assange is imminent, regardless of how ludicrous the tactics are to guarantee that end. In fact, it seems as if every avenue will be sought by the U.S. to silence in one way or another any possibility of Assange testifying openly. The powers that be cannot take any chance of having this vetted publicly for all to see.

The information presented by Karen Kwiatkoski’s article at Lew Rockwell tells an important story. According to her article:

US government employees, from the DoD, FBI and the CIA have been interviewing Assange in Belmarsh Prison, prior to any extradition decision. Interviewing is the wrong word.  I’d like to say doctoring him, because it would be more accurate, except that word implies some care for a positive outcome.  Chemical Gina has her hands in this one, and we are being told that Assange is being “treated” with 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, known as BZ.

Karen also said in her article, The latest word I have received from England is as follows:

“[Julian Assange] is presently under close observation in prison hospital because he has suffered ‘severe transient psychotic episodes.’ My source(s) indicate these episodes occurred after two sessions of coercive interrogation at the hands of UK and US officials. The source(s) stated the HUMINT interrogators used psychotropic drugs in the course of the sessions.”

This powerful drug is meant for one thing only, and that is mind destruction. If this chemical torture of Assange is successful, then no other strategy will be necessary. Maybe the Swedish authorities have been given their marching orders by Washington DC, and this is merely a backup plan in case the initial interrogation (torture) of Assange by U.S. deep state goons in Britain fails.

Regardless, Assange will be marginalized, or worse. As I said when he was taken from the Ecuadorian Embassy by the British:

Due to his unwarranted confinement, Assange can now be destroyed psychologically, physically, or die of some mysterious ailment. He can die of an “apparent (assisted) suicide,” never having had the chance to gain real justice. This is a definite possibility given the history and mentality of those who have chosen to destroy him. He may be starved, drugged to the point of severe brain damage, or sent to any number of U.S. black sites for torture.

To destroy Assange is to destroy any chance of truth and justice in the future. It is a travesty that is being ignored by the bulk of society, especially in the fascist state of America. Who will risk coming forward when Assange is gone? Will any honest journalism be evident in the future when those who speak out know they will be eradicated?

Speaking truth to power is mandatory if any freedom is to remain. In this country filled with apathetic, indoctrinated, and soulless citizens, I have little hope of any major change until it is to late.

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