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Department of JusticePolice StatePolitics

The Perilous Fate of Julian Assange

The plight of Julian Assange continues to worsen. This is not surprising, but it is certainly extremely concerning. Assange is a brave journalist who dared to tell the truth, and who exposed the powerful in politics by simply reporting the facts. In this country, speaking truth to power is very dangerous, and many times fatal. Now, Assange is facing his worst fears.

In a story in November, it was revealed that the U.S. Justice Department named Julian Assange in a court filing. At the time, this slip was called a mistake, but what was obvious was that Assange was facing criminal charges filed by the U.S. As stated by the prosecutor at the time, “The charges and arrest warrant would need to remain sealed until Assange is arrested in connection with the charges in the criminal complaint and can therefore no longer evade or avoid arrest and extradition in this matter.”

That was in November, but today news was released that U.S. Justice Department federal prosecutors have been contacting witnesses in at least the U.S., Germany, and Iceland in an attempt to gain damning testimony against Assange. In addition, There is little doubt now that the U.S. is plotting with both Ecuador and the U.K. to have Assange arrested and extradited to the U.S. As this author has stated on several occasions, this would most likely be a death sentence for Julian Assange.

The feds are going after Assange with a vengeance for his honest reporting at Wikileaks. This should scare the living daylights out of any who care about liberty and truth. It is easy to conclude that the U.S. government and its powerful controllers are deathly afraid of the truth, and will go to any lengths to keep that truth from seeing the light of day, including incarcerating, torturing, or murdering Julian Assange at the first opportunity.

We can only hope that due to the scurrilous nature of these U.S. government thugs, Julian Assange through Wikileaks will unload a mountain of incriminating evidence against these evil parasites in government and beyond. It is about time to take the gloves off, and expose these powerful charlatans once and for all.

Assange’s enemies are the enemies of all of us. They are the liars and thieves, they are the con men, and they are the murderers. They are the worst type of criminal because they are all these things while pretending to be honorable. Let them get their due.

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