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Police StatePoliticsTerrorismWarWar on Terror

How Can a Terrorist Nation Prosecute a War on Terror?

“Everyone’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s really an easy way: Stop participating in it.” 
 Noam Chomsky

The mere notion that any legitimate war can be waged against terrorism, a broad-based idea, an abstract concept at best, is ludicrous. How can any justification for the murder and slaughter of people around the world be based on such an ill conceived and open ended reasoning? Any “war on terror” is sheer madness!

Simply defined, terrorism is “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” Therefore, war itself is terrorism. Most assumed terrorist attacks, while completely immoral and heinous, are retaliatory in nature, and usually due to outside forces committing acts of violence by direct aggression, prosecuting political upheaval for nefarious gain, or stealing and controlling the natural resources of a country or region by force.

The most militarized nation in the history of the world is the United States, now with nearly 800 military bases in over 70 different countries around the globe. The country with the most extensive geopolitical control is the U.S. This country has been prosecuting war worldwide almost continually over the past 100 years, brutal in its thirst for power and control, and has been responsible for the murder of tens of millions of innocent civilians. American hegemony has caused economic destruction, poverty, starvation, and mass displacement of literally millions upon millions of families.

Terrorism breeds more terrorism, and war is the epitome of terrorism, so who are the real terrorists that caused the world violence we live with today? First and foremost, it is the United States and its complicit partners. Given this fact, how can the most prolific terrorist nation of all time justify its war on terror? It cannot do so except with fear mongering and lies.

The U.S. war on terror was planned far in advance. This was the ultimate coup prosecuted by the U.S. government and its deep state controllers meant to deceive the people into believing they were at great risk from Middle Eastern terrorists. What was actually sought was an unending war, one that could never be completed and would be perpetual in nature. Continuous war is necessary for the government to gain more power, for the banking and corporate interests to continue to profit, and for the military industrial complex in its entirety to expand.

Fighting terrorism is simply a lie. The war on terror is meant to control the Middle East and its natural resources. It is meant to gain total geopolitical power in that region. This fake war on terror is in reality a war of terror. Americans are terrorized by the massive trillions spent to continue this war, and by the destruction of liberty. While the government forces slaughter people in foreign lands, this country has become a police state bent on brutality, theft, divisiveness, and the elimination of privacy.

American policy has caused terrorism around the world, it has caused terrorism here at home, and continuing this bogus war will guarantee more terrorism in the future. All U.S. wars are based on lies, and now it has its perpetual war, one that never ends and was never meant to end. From the standpoint of the state, this is its ultimate war.

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