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Obama’s Arrogance and Rampant Hypocrisy!

I have been watching the media circus concerning the very disturbing incident that occurred in Sanford, Florida recently. It has been impossible to stay away from, because the shooting of the young man, Trayvon Martin, has become the headline story on virtually every single media outlet. I have hesitated to write about this subject, and will not comment on the case itself, but it has been sensationalized almost beyond imagination. This could not have happened without the mainstream media, and its drive to build a national story at any cost.

My questions would not concentrate on any racial implications because that should be irrelevant, and because the untimely death of anyone, regardless of color, is always a tragedy.  So why is almost all the coverage based on white versus black or black versus white?

I would ask, why should the color of one’s skin matter, and why should any greater importance be placed on such a shallow and obvious race-related conclusion? Aren’t we all the same in that we are all human beings? Aren’t we all born with the same natural rights? Don’t we all live on this earth together? Do any of us have any say as to where we are born, or what color we are? Do any of us deserve more favorable consideration simply due the consequences of our birth and heritage? Would race be such a big issue without the agitators, the politicians, and the media’s continuous stirring of the pot of hatred of one group over another? In the scheme of things, is one man’s life worth more than another man’s life, simply due to the color of his skin? Only the truth should matter, except for those with an agenda, and something to gain from the pain of others.

What is really happening here? Is this story real or is it staged? What happened is real, but those who wish to gain something from the death of this young man have staged most of the rest. Those I speak of are not interested in finding out the truth, and they are not interested in the deceased or his family, they are only interested in themselves and in gaining an audience.

Who are these parasites? They are all different colors, and they are from the left and from the right, but they are all the same. They are users, and they are users with an agenda. Regardless whether they are in the media, in politics, or just agitators looking to cause a racial divide among us, they all come out for the cameras, and for the notoriety they seek.  They are much like scavengers who seem to gravitate to any place where they are assured they can gain attention and cause trouble.

And of course, the president himself, Barrak Obama, the king of all politicians, also came forward to speak to the nation about this particular incident. His words and gestures were the epitome of agenda driven politics. As usual, his phrases were carefully chosen, and delivered in such a manner as to invoke false pity. He even made the comment: “My main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” With this statement, he placed himself, metaphorically speaking, into the Martin family, while at the same time using the death of this young man as a political ploy to raise his poll numbers. What a narcissistic display by this pathetic political performer!

There are on average about 15,000 murders in the U.S. each year, with about half of those due to gunshot wounds. Many more deaths occur for other reasons every day, but Obama chose this single case to take on personally, and spoke about it to the entire nation. Why just this one incident? Why did he not feign sympathy for any of the many other deaths that occur in this country? Why does he not feign sympathy for the deaths of those innocents murdered overseas by American forces, forces that he commands?

Obama’s hypocrisy here is beyond the pale, and is beyond the imagination of any moral thinking person. This president has taken the aggressive wars started during the Bush administration, and dramatically expanded the carnage. He has presided over more aggressive interference and war in Egypt, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, and Syria, while threatening Iran and other countries. His regime and its military have murdered thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians in the Middle East. The recent attack in southern Afghanistan by a U.S. soldier was a literal slaughter of families, including little children while they slept. All this, but not a whisper of real sympathy was ever forthcoming from Obama about any of those deaths, except in the form of ‘blood money’ to pay off those relatives of slain family members in Afghanistan.

In October of last year, Obama boasted of the assassination of an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen. Two weeks later, the assassination of al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, an American citizen, took place, and his 17-year-old cousin, and nine other young innocent people died in that deliberate attack. Al-Awlaki’s son was the third American purposely murdered by the U.S. government in this two-week period. None were given any benefit of trial or due process, and no sympathy was forthcoming.

Does Obama really care about the deaths of innocent people, including children? Apparently, he wants the masses of apathetic state worshipers (voters) in this country to think so, or why would he specifically choose the Martin boy’s death as his personal cause? There have been many thousands of deaths of civilians overseas, and there are over 14,000 murders that occur in this country every single year, but he chose only one to speak about. Why?

The answer of course is obvious. This is pure hypocrisy! But it is not just hypocrisy, but also political grandstanding used for Obama’s personal gain, this at the expense of the truth.  What in the world has become of humility, real sympathy, sensitivity, morality, and honesty? What has become of love for one another? What has become of sanity? I can tell you that none of these things exist in the White House, and none exist in most of the mainstream media.

All those who would use a “convenient” death to benefit themselves at the expense of others, who would attempt to advance an agenda of hate, and who would use their position to do these things, are calculating and without principle.  I concentrate on Obama here, not because he is alone, but because of his powerful position. His behavior, behavior that is also shared by those who support him, and those who would act as he acts, is beyond contempt, and should serve as evidence of the continuing decline of this society!

Gary D. Barnett [send him mail] has been a financial advisor for 25 years, and now resides and works in Lewistown, Montana.

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