Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


Obamacare and the Supreme Court

I hesitate to discuss this situation, and will not discuss details of the asinine case before the Supreme Court, as it is worthless in the scope of any sanity.

This argument is based on one provision of a “health care” law that is a totally socialistic plan with payment mandates scattered throughout its entirety. The argument therefore is irrelevant as far as I’m concerned.

It is mandated by government, and implemented by government force, that I pay for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Prescription Drugs. Should I refuse, then I would be subject to private property confiscation, prison, or death by government mandate. So why this ridiculous argument over one single mandate in Obamacare, instead of a proper argument to repeal all government “welfare” programs forced on the citizenry?

By concentrating on just one provision of this national “health care” package, then it must be assumed that the rest is acceptable. This is the trap that is sought by government types on a constant basis. Once this is ruled on by a very corrupt Supreme Court, especially if in favor of removing this particular mandate, then all the rest of this Obamacare will stand.

Sure, conservatives will applaud a false victory, this because they are hypocrites, but we will all still be stuck with a $115 trillion dollar debt in the existing “health” programs going forward, but will have one more to add, and a massively escalating new and continued future debt growth in these same programs mentioned.

So who would really win? Is it you or me? Of course not, as the government would have won again due to the stupidity of the common voter. In addition, the other winners would be all those who expect to have their “health care” costs paid for by those of us who are responsible for our own bills and debts.

I imagine a world where sanity and personal responsibility are common, but I don’t expect to ever see that imaginary world in real life. So long as so many expect to benefit at the expense of their neighbors, and can vote to achieve that end, then no liberty will be evident!



