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Dzhokhar Tsarnaev In Court?

It is being reported that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev appeared in court today in south Boston, but as has been the case all along, something about this just isn’t right.

My assessment of this situation has changed little, although I would not have been surprised if he never surfaced again or had been murdered while being held by the feds. I thought all along that he would never face trial with a sound mind, and first indications favor that belief.

I have not found any published pictures or video of Tsarnaev today. Normally in a high profile case, cameras and reporters are everywhere, and the walk to the courtroom is played over and over ad nauseam. But the only images shown are those cartoon sketches done in the courtroom. Why?

A reporter named Jim Armstrong from WZB TV in Boston was inside the courtroom, and his comments tell a story that I would have expected. There is no way to know for sure at this point, but his impressions are telling. From Armstrong:

“Tsarnaev keeps glancing behind him, looking to see who is in court.”

“He speaks with a slight accent, but you can understand him clearly.”

“The left side of Tsarnaev’s face appears to have some kind of injury to it, though I couldn’t get close enough to discern more.”

“The brace, or cast, on his left hand also seems to include his wrist.”

“Overall sense I’m left with was of a fidgety young man who, to my eye, almost appeared medicated. He looked drowsy.”

Reports indicate that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pled not guilty to all 30 charges, but much of the mainstream media has already declared this an open and shut case due to the “massive amount of evidence” against Tsarnaev. What evidence might that be? I don’t recall any solid evidence being presented at all, and in fact, most of what was reported by the police and federal agents was altered several times to fit a new and ever changing narrative. All reports by the state were suspicious, and the mainstream media outlets were relentless in their reporting exactly what they were told to report, and without question.

I hope all will watch this circus closely, and I hope some information that has been hidden or covered up is exposed. I don’t expect a fair trial, or even a trial that is not completely tainted and controlled from inside and outside the courtroom. I do not believe Tsarnaev will be competent to even stand trial due to his being controlled by drugs, due to injuries sustained by state agents, intimidation or all the above.

If the Boston “bombing” was a false flag or a coverup, or if the  government was complicit in a conspiracy, the truth will most likely never see the light of day.

At this point we can only wait and watch, and hope for a glimpse of the truth.


