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Unless Stopped Dead, Technocracy is our Future

By: Gary D. Barnett

First, what is technocracy? Technocracy was a movement started in the 1930s at Columbia University by mostly scientists and engineers. This movement was attempting to structure a new economic system that was resource based, and implemented through social manipulation and design. The underlying controlling mechanism was to be energy and energy credits. This did not take off at the time, but was reintroduced in the 70s, and today it is expanding at a fast rate. In essence, technocracy is a governing system run by so-called experts, both scientific and technical, that relies on “sustainable” systems in order to socially control the entire population of the world. The original conclusions of the founders of this movement were these:

  1. The Earth contains sufficient resources to provide every man, woman and child with an optimum standard of living.
  2. We have the technological know-how, the infrastructure, and the physical machinery to realize this goal.
  3. In the face of advancing technology, human labor is being replaced, thus removing consuming power from a large portion of the population. Therefore, we must seek a sustainable means of distribution of goods and services to all citizens.

If implemented, societal technocracy would be the new economic system based on a few “experts” (rulers) deciding how everything on earth would operate, and all resources would be fully controlled. There would be no property ownership, not even the most precious property being self. In other words, we would all live under a claimed scientific elite, that would control a technocratic, socially engineered society.

A system like this is fully dependent on total surveillance, and that is exactly where we are headed today with the 5G rollout, that is most likely still 10 years or more away. With the buildup of these systems however, more and more control will become evident, and one only has to look toward China today to understand this dynamic. What is happening is total surveillance, face scanners, social scoring, changeover of the system of money toward a resource based system, with climate change and sustainability as the driving forces behind all economic activity.

The idea is meant to replace capitalism and all free market enterprise worldwide, and bring about the takeover of everything by an elite few. This is where we are currently headed, and if allowed to come to fruition, would be the end of any freedom as we know it.

In an address in 2017, the Chinese president for life, Xi Jinping, made this statement:

We should pursue the new vision of green development and a way of life and work that is green, low-carbon, circular and sustainable. Efforts should be made to strengthen cooperation in ecological and protection and build a sound ecosystem so as to realize the goals set by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development… We will set up a big data service platform on ecological and environmental protection. We propose the establishment of an international coalition for green the Belt and Road, and we will provide support to related countries in adapting to climate change.

This ridiculous language is straight out of the U.N. The U.N. agenda that includes sustainable development, goes hand in hand with technocracy. The only way to sell this is to scare the people of the world to death, and this is being done with absolute lies about non-existent human caused global warming and climate change. This is the only solution that will be put forward by those claiming to save humanity, so that everything must be controlled from the top down.

I will write much more about this planned takeover of the economy in the near future. It is not only being planned, but is already a partial reality in some areas of the world. This is a most dangerous ploy, and is already far advanced in not only planning, but implementation. This is the new world order sought by the controllers, and it is being sold to the masses incrementally, and is being labeled as an order that is best for the planet.

Do not believe one word of it!

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