Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Mainstream MediaPolitical CorrectnessPublic Schools

Unimaginable but Unbelievable? Not Any More!

The world has gone completely mad. It is not just corruption, killing, murder, torture, tyranny at every turn anymore, now the weirdness has surpassed even what I thought possible.

As stated in the article linked below: “Under the subheading ‘key messages’, teachers are told to stress to pupils that “trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods” as well as that “periods are something to celebrate and we can see this in ceremonies and celebrations across the world.”

“All pupils and students from year 4 (eight to nine-year-olds) receive age and development appropriate period education within a planned programme of relationships and sex education,” the guidelines note.

I will preface my next statements with this: What individual people think and do is their business, regardless of the behavior, so long as they harm no one, or infringe on another’s liberty. But if they use force to get accepted, or to indoctrinate children, then they have crossed the line, and are due no respect whatsoever.

The so-called current “transgender movement” is itself troubling enough in my opinion, but the latest stories defy every natural law, and have gone beyond imagination. Now schools in England have been ordered to teach eight year olds that “Boys Can Have Periods, Too.” If any parent were still struggling with whether or not to remove their children from horrible “public” government schools, all doubt should now be settled.

The physical impossibility alone should destroy any argument here, but apparently since humans in the west have lost all brain matter, and the state fully understands this, this kind of nonsensical idiocy continues to occur. What sane mother or father would allow their children to be taught something this asinine and dangerous? If parents do allow this kind of schooling, should they even be allowed to have children? Do not panic, I do not believe in the state controlling anything, but if ever there were a case for sterilization, this has to be it.

Pretending to be a man in a woman’s body or vise versa is one thing, a human pretending to be trapped as an inanimate object or animal is another, but little boys being taught that they can have periods and therefore menstrual cycles, is beyond the pale. As an aside, I have an eight year old stepson, so this lunacy hits even closer to home.

How could such a fringe and minority movement have this kind of impact? Why is it allowed or accepted? Is it just the media, and can they now control the thought of the masses, even with such deranged thinking as this? Apparently so.

I have lost all ability to imagine what could happen next to top this nonsense. Maybe evolution of mankind will reverse, or is that already happening?

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