Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

MilitaryPolitical CorrectnessPolitics

Today’s Rant!

By: Gary D. Barnett

No one in this world, so far as I know – and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me – has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people

~H.L. Mencken


Where shall I begin? Given the idiotic nature of everything today, one must work diligently to find even a modicum of sanity. When successful in finding a hint of sanity, a weight is temporarily lifted from our daily deluge of the bizarre. But alas, it does not last very long.

Without any apologies, I will preface my comments with these statements. I will not be labeled, but I am a voluntarist, a purest libertarian, but first and foremost, a peaceful anarchist. The overriding principle of the way I live my life is one of non-aggression. Given that premise, I do not care what anyone does or what anyone believes, so long as no one is harmed, no property of another is harmed, or that any infringement of another’s liberty is evident. In other words, do anything you choose so long as you hurt no one. With that said, I accept no rules from another, and am never required to share in any other person’s beliefs, regardless of what those beliefs might be. Leave me alone, and I will do the same for you. Mind your own business comes to mind.

Obviously, I do not believe in any government, nor will I accept any political correct nonsense, gender identity BS, nationalism, flag-waving, quotas, progressivism (leftists), conservatism (rightists), or any other propaganda spewed by ignoramuses.

One of the first things I saw this morning was that a 10-year-old girl in London was suspended from school for a week after asking her teacher permission to be excused from participating in a “Pride Month” LGBT lesson. The indoctrination of children in schools continues, but in addition to gaining no education at all, now the children are bombarded with dangerous “gender” propaganda. In some states in the U.S., California comes immediately to mind, parents are forbidden from taking their own young children out of this sex-training nonsense. Biology be damned.

My question is why are any parents allowing this state control over their family in the first place. It is bad enough for schools to spread this agenda driven propaganda, but it is even worse that parents allow it to take place.

The next story is one where another teacher, a math teacher in fact, was fired for defending Western Civilization. Why can’t anyone defend civilization at almost any level, or at least teach the truth in the new screwed up country? Speaking is now a crime, and Mr. Orwell must be wondering, “Why did I only scratch the surface of the things to come?”

I scroll down to the next story, and it is one that makes me sick to my stomach. A worthless Navy Seal, Edward Gallagher, was aquitted of murdering a 17 year old in Mosul, northern Iraq. He had been accused of murdering many, many more, and he was a hired assassin for the evil military of the U.S. A sniper in fact, in a country that never did one ounce of harm to this country. His Seal comrades saw him this way:

-Seals testified that he (Gallagher) shot indiscriminately at Iraqi civilians including an old man collecting water and a girl

– They say he boasted about killing ‘hundreds’ during his tours and was blood thirsty 

– When he was indicted, some of the SEALs said they spent more time protecting Iraqi civilians from Gallagher than they did fighting ISIS 

– They claim Gallagher plunged his knife into ISIS fighter’s neck twice and his side once in a sudden attack 

– Afterwards, he justified it by calling him ‘just another ISIS dirtbag’ 

– The SEALs say they had to speak up against him for others’ safety  

He was accused of murder, holding the dead man’s head up for pictures, making fun as any psychopath might do, and this military is full of psychopaths, and excusing the 17 year old’s death as “just another ISIS dirtbag.” It might pay for Gallagher to understand that ISIS was built, funded, armed, given intelligence, and is fully supported by the U.S. military and its controllers to this day.

No, this is not an isolated set of events, as this type of thing has been happening for decades, and especially since the false flag event called 9/11.

I could read a bit more, and have a hundred more disgusting stories to comment on, but I think the picture is clear. Reading the “news” in this country is akin to willfully seeking insanity. It is as if the general public is completely dumbed down, apathetic, and totally ignorant of any truth or reality. If this fact surprises you, you may be one of those braindead members of the “public” referred to in this article.

Maybe it would be better for arrogant Americans to actually think critically instead of reacting to the constant garbage they are fed by hiding their heads in the sand.

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