Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


The Worthlessness of Hatred

By: Gary D. Barnett

I have been writing for many years, and have had many thousands of responses to my work. Most of those responses were positive, as is normally the rule, but of course, there are always those that are critical or questioning, which I not only readily accept but also embrace. But sometimes, I get hate-filled or obnoxious emails. With my last article posted, this was more evident than normal.

This was not due to what one might expect, but regardless, while somewhat disturbing, these were humorous in a sick sort of way. Nothing really bothers me, and certainly does not scare me in any way, as that is not my personality. Foul language, name-calling, and threats are a waste of time and intellect, and rarely do I respond to such worthless nonsense, but sometimes it is difficult not to answer these hateful and uninformed lowlife responses, especially when they are so flamboyant in nature. One exchange today was unique, but I cannot (will not) post his comments here, as they are extremly offensive.

This response was from a National Socialist, and of course racist, (in the real sense of the word) who apparently still wants one race, his of course, and the elimination of all others. Hitler is his hero, and anyone who is Jewish is not fit to live. Of course, he hates every other culture as well as he gladly pointed out. Amazing stuff, but this coward on a computer went beyond the pale. This attitude is in the minority, but it is still evident, as I get these kinds of responses on a fairly regular basis, but not so nasty as this one.

My point here is not to go into detail about the rantings of any brainless human filled with hate such as is the case with this responder. My point is to expose the idiocy and harm of hate in general. Our entire society is filled with hate today; not just those like the grey matter deficient idiot that I heard from, but at every level of society. Black against white, gay against straight, left against right, trans against everybody, women against men, and on and on. This pattern is destructive of any peace, and leads to a complete breakdown of society.

This is exactly what is desired by the ruling class of elites, as the more division amongst the general population, the easier they are to control. At this point, it seems impossible not to have a total societal breakdown due to the rampant hatred that exists in this country. When this happens, the tyranny evident today will seem mild in comparison with what is to come. Is that what most Americans actually want, or are they too ignorant to see that they are digging their own grave?

Hatred is worthless!

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