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The Hannibal Directive and Zionist Israel’s False Flag Terrorism

By: Gary D. Barnett

“False Flag operations by governments are the easiest and quickest way to persuade the population to sacrifice their own in order to achieve goals of the elite.”

~ James Thomas Kesterson Jr.

First, let me make it perfectly clear that Zionism is not Judaism, although the blending of the two obviously takes place at times, due to a complete misunderstanding, and false reverence for bogus nation-state ‘patriotism.’ Zionism is certainly an evil political nationalist ideology, but at its core, it is pure colonialism. To have to preface this conversation with such a statement is to expose the ignorance of those who have been brainwashed and indoctrinated to such an extent, as to be willing to accept historically counterfeit propaganda, without any critical scrutiny or logic applied. This is the imminent result of becoming a cog in the machine of life amid an ‘organized’ non-thinking, like-acting collective mob, lost in a fog of oblivion.

We are living in the clear presence of genocidal terror at the hands of Zionist Israel. Please do not feign disgust, or pretend to be aghast at this pronouncement, as when something is this apparent, it is excruciatingly embarrassing to witness blind apathy in the midst of mass murder. The plot by the Zionists to take over Palestine and other parts of that region, to expel and exterminate the masses of Palestinians, and to claim the entirety of the region for a new Israeli State, has been ongoing since long before the 1933 agreements, and has been brutally pursued since that time until today. It has been a violent expulsion, a destruction of most all Palestinian homes, villages, and cities, and slaughter of men, women, and children, for the past 75 years. Currently, all efforts by the Zionists are meant to finalize the genocide that began so long ago.

This long-planned ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians by the Zionists, is now close to fruition, and with the help, support, and funding of the United States and its military, and the ‘blessing’ of so many confused fools, the complicity of the U.S. means that not only are the Zionists committing genocide, but by proxy and with the use of ruthless force and funding, so is the U.S. government and its ruling class.

What this not only indicates, but fully exposes, is that expulsion of an entire race, genocide by ethnic cleansing, a heinous crime against humanity, and the essence of holocausts, is apparently accepted only if committed by Zionists. The hypocrisy here is astounding, and any who cannot see it, are completely blinded by asinine and ideological indifference so insane as to be pathological.

These efforts of brutality, displacement, and murder, are always dependent on acceptance and support by the populations involved in the slaughter, and most always, the people allowing State crimes of war and genocide, also become the victims of the same monsters they endorse who rule over them. None of you are exempt from harm or death during these times of aggression, as you, all of you, are expendable, and nothing more than fodder for the sake of the State. Those who happen to be in the way, and whose deaths can enhance the State’s power, are simply considered collateral damage by the governments involved in conflict. This is even spelled out in many cases, and openly admitted. One case in point, and very appropriate considering what is going on today in Israel, is Israel’s Hannibal Directive, which spells out that killing Israeli hostages in order to ‘protect’ the State is warranted, and accepted political and military policy. Remember, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country — die is the answer expected!

To understand governments and nation-states, the motives for gaining power and control, and the ill-considered necessity for war by the State, one must understand that the common people are held in little regard when political agendas are sought, and their sacrifice is simply considered a necessary (and uncaring) consequence of State actions. This is no different in this Zionist Israeli slaughter of defenseless Palestinians, as the common Israelis, have been used to set up the ethnic cleansing in Palestine. One of the most advanced militaries on earth, one that has many of the highest capabilities, modern weaponry, a huge nuclear arsenal, and that controls the border with Gaza to such an extent as to know when even a bird breeches this walled concentration camp, removed all soldiers and guards, and allowed their own created terrorist organization, Hamas, to come across with an attack, and did not even respond for hours, while Israelis were killed and hostages were taken. In other words, this was an intentional set up to cause the populace to support the genocide of all Palestinians, while using its own citizens as bait, knowingly killing many in the process in order to further their terror.

How many false flag operations have to take place in order for the blind to see? The U.S. government, its military, the CIA, and all its accomplices in government and corporate America, have used many false flag attacks to stoke war and division for over a century, and Israel is now allowing and committing purposeful acts of terror against its own and Palestine in order to further its agenda of colonialism and murder by way of a false flag event. This has led to thousands of deaths of innocents, (likely tens of thousands) mostly children, as much of the world stands by applauding the carnage, or at least fully supporting the Zionist’s crimes against humanity.

What has happened to mankind? What has happened to sanity. What has happened to the moral fiber of man, when genocide can be not only accepted, but praised? This is the insane world we live in today. It is not normal, it is not due to individual terrorists, or to outlying terrorist cells mostly created purposely with nation-state funding, with weapons supplied by Western powers. It is conspiratorial at every level, and done to affect a particular outcome; that outcome is to advance the reset of the world in favor of those who run it.

Every false flag operation, every unnatural firestorm, every geo-engineered weather tragedy, and the multitude of attacks on the innocent; are plotted and intentional, and in most all cases, they are soon eliminated from the fake news cycles, and then forgotten. Consider 9/11, the many economic crises, the fake ‘covid’ terrorism, chemical spills, the Lahaina, Maui murders, and many, many more. Competent reporting, as well of course as mainstream ‘reporting’ on the horrors in Palestine are already subsiding, and this is a tragedy in and of itself. Do not let the political and media scum erase this slaughter and genocide of innocents from your minds, as that will be the plan. Then, the next atrocity will simply take the place of the last, and on and on it goes until it doesn’t. There are no political accidents, no coincidences, so legitimate reaction does not exist, as all is premeditated, planned out over time, and released on the lowly proletariat at a time when beneficial to the State. The State is forever and always the enemy of the people, and never is it your protector and savior; it is only evil.

What is missed (or ignored) by most all Americans, as well as most others around the Western world, is that we are all Palestinians now. To believe that it cannot happen here is not only ludicrous, but also far beyond naïveté, and borders on extreme psychosis. What will you do when you, your family, and your children are targeted by the State for elimination? Will you run and hide, or will you defend your life and family?

Knowledge is entirely provisional; ignorance is not. What you think you know and what is reality is more often than not reversed, and this can lead only to confusion, mistakes in judgement, and bad decisions. Instead of taking sides, consider only right and wrong, and always embrace the side of right, instead of accepting the lies and false narratives of the State. Place yourself in the shoes of others, and then side only with the innocent victims.

Concerning the State:

The concept of good versus evil is a handy construct for framing a narrative. When you see someone applying that concept to real-world events, however, be aware that you’re in the presence of a peddler of fiction.”

~ Stewart Stafford

Reference links:

October 7th testimonies reveal Israeli’s military shelling of Israeli citizens with tanks and missiles

Evidence shows that Israel deliberately killed its own citizens, UN personnel, and journalists

Did Israel Decide to Kill Hamas and Israeli Hostages Indiscriminately?

The Hannibal Directive: What really happened on October 7th?

Israeli False Flag and Intelligence Operation

The history of the Israeli expulsion of Palestinians is vital to understand


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