Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Martial LawPolice StatePoliticsSurveillance

The End of Freedom As We Know It

The world has become insane. This is not a rant from some unstable source, but reality. Freedom has been brutalized throughout history, but now is on the verge of disappearing. And the worst example of this phenomenon is the United States. This is not due to the fact that America is the worst place yet, but that it was once the most free, and now has become a police state bent on abhorrent behavior, criminalizing every aspect of life, and using brute force as the first resort to control all of society.

This is being done with horrendous measures such as stealing by taxation and confiscation, by incarcerating those who commit victimless “crimes,” by militarized goons affecting no knock swat raids on citizens, by corrupt courts, by fascist government partnerships, massive fear tactics, complete destruction of freedom of speech, and total and continuous surveillance of all. And this is only a partial list to be sure.

In addition to the U.S. state apparatus controlling, torturing, and murdering its own citizens, it is brutalizing others around the globe through aggressive warfare, political intervention, regime change, sanctions, theft of natural resources, and support for any number of terrorist groups.

Now politicians are openly authorizing the murder of infants after birth! What in the hell has happened to to cause this level of insanity in a once free and sane society?

Little of value in this country is revered any longer, and the level of human apathy apparent is beyond imagination. That apathy rampant in the American psyche will lead to the total destruction of freedom and moral structure. Without common values and decency, we will all be doomed. Only the people can change this dynamic, worthless government is not the answer.

The first major step that will signal the end is the implementation of Martial Law. That horror is closer than most of the sheep realize.

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