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The Current Divisive Nature of Americans is no Acccident

By: Gary D. Barnett

“Divide and rule, weaken and conquer, love and enslave, these are three tenets of politics” 
~Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom

This is not a new subject for me, but it is one worth examining again. Divisiveness as a political tool of control has been wildly successful for the elite class bent on total control of the population. Without widespread division amongst the masses, there would always be more agreement among the general public, and that has never been what is sought by the oligarchs. The more division evident, the easier it is to control large numbers of citizens.

Communication advances while very important, have made it easier to spread propaganda, thereby weakening the normal community mentality of people. Instead of everyone living together, helping and protecting one another, this has become a splintered society of one against the other. This phenomenon breeds a society consumed by hate. As Bill Sardi stated today here:

“For we live in an era of preconceived ideas, of voting against who we detest, not for whom we agree with.  There is growing intolerance of anybody else’s beliefs.  Anyone who doesn’t embrace what we believe is not just to be voted out of office, they are to be silenced, their voices muffled, their access to audiences blocked, their lives even snuffed out.  The news media is at the center of this social phenomenon.”

Division among the people breeds weakness of the general population, while at the same time strengthening the rule of the elite. This is not arguable, as the evidence is brutally obvious. When intolerance at this level is present, chaos is the result. The chaotic nature of the U.S. today is almost beyond imagination, and in this writer’s opinion, this is reason to believe that the end of sanity is closer than it may appear.

This began with one evil party against the other evil party, both parties with an almost equal agenda, but has escalated into all against all. Whether left against right, black against white, minority against majority, homosexual against heterosexual, or now “trans” against everyone, the people are literally at each other’s throats. What happened to love, harmony, and caring for each other? What happened to human decency?

It would be useful for this current society of hate to understand that they have been carefully manipulated into this position, and that they have no one to blame but themselves for this transition to mass antagonism. It can be reversed, but only if the people realize the absurdity of their behavior. An awakening is necessary, but a collective society made of many groups will never see the light. Only if individual thought resurfaces will calm return. As I said earlier this year in my article: “Divisive Politics Breeds Tyranny Through Chaos:”

“The ruling class has been able to use the emotions of the long indoctrinated and weak minds of its citizens to manipulate society as a whole to cause chaotic dissonance. This has been a very successful coup that allows the elite to rule over and control its citizens due to constant societal discord. With this much social anger and confusion present, it is easy for the state to retain its massive power over us.”

“We will always have differences, but those differences do not have to divide us, they can bring us closer together. So long as the common masses are divided and blinded by hate, so long as they are consumed by anger and fear, they will be weak. This is what the political class and its elite controllers seek. This is a their strategy, and one that has been used to control the masses for thousands of years. Divide and rule or divide and conquer simply means to gain power and keep control over a group of people by encouraging them to argue amongst themselves. If we continue to fight each other, we will all be slaves in a world ruled by tyrants.”

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