Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Subscriber Update

Subscriber Update

By: Gary D. Barnett

I was able today to import all of my paid subscribers, and a few others, to my new Substack account, as I mentioned in my last update. No one has to do anything, as everything will remain the same, and no pay changes whatsoever are necessary, as I put all current paid subscribers on a lifetime complementary subscription. That will not change unless you unsubscribe, or cancel current payments. This does not apply to any who have donated or sent support in other ways, as all are on lifetime subscriptions. If per chance, I missed anyone, please let me know. My contact email will not change. It is:

When I post on Substack, all paid subscribers will receive updates immediately, just as always, but it will be coming from a different email address, ( so make sure you are receiving it properly. If not, check your junk or spam folder. All should work fine.

My future major articles will go to Substack, and be delivered to all my subscribers there, but my current website will remain open as well, and I will post some things, and some other articles periodically that are not on Substack. Should any non-paid subscribers wish to get my full articles, you may subscribe to my Substack page at You may also sign up as a free subscriber there for partial content.

Thank you so much, and all my best.


