Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

CybersecurityMainstream MediaPolitics

Politicians To Go After Most Dangerous Threat To Politicians

As any sane libertarian would have expected, Harry Reid is set to lead his second effort this year to vastly expand the regulatory control of the Internet by the executive branch and its agencies. This bill will be introduced in the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, that committee chaired by the detestable Joe Lieberman.

At this point in time, details about this planned bill are hidden in secrecy, but of course that is normal in today’s politics.

It should be obvious to all that getting an invasive and controlling piece of legislation passed that allows the government to control internet speech is a primary objective of the executive branch and its minions in Congress. This is a most dangerous situation, and one that should be constantly monitored and exposed.

The last bastion of truth is primarily reported via the internet, as most all mainstream media is bought and paid for by the powerful in government and its supporting corporate sponsors. Little if any truth is ever presented by the lackeys in the mainstream, so without the Internet, the government could virtually control all speech.

The Internet is what threatens politicians and their sponsors, and therefore the politicians want the ability to eliminate that threat. This can never be allowed to go forward by any who seek liberty, so any planned legislation to that end should be destroyed before it has time to even come to the table.

The political class, or excrement of society, wants to be able to control all that we see, and all that we know. By gaining the ability to shut down all free speech via the Internet, they would have achieved that goal, and the rest of us would be left in the dark.

We face many risks, but the risk of silencing all those who constantly fight for liberty by reporting the truth and exposing the lies perpetrated by the State, is a most dangerous risk. With the now “legal” ability to militarily detain indefinitely any citizen deemed by the government as a threat to the State, coupled with the possible control of the Internet, the government would not only have the upper hand, but would have the ability to shut down all dissent.

This must not be allowed to stand under any circumstances, because any shutdown of the communication system would be a final nail in the coffin of freedom!



