Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

ImperialismPolice StateWar

Police State Behavior and War Drums Rampant

The apathetic behavior of the American people has grown to its most pathetic state to date. Just in the past few days, heavily armed and armored fed and state thugs have taken up residence in a Tampa bus terminal. Invasive pat downs, warrantless searches, drug sniffing dogs, and threatening gestures by police administering the VIPR program are now becoming commonplace. Given that the Tennessee “experiment” only occurred within the past few weeks, it is telling that this intimidation project has already expanded to other areas around the country. I warned of this of course, but the velocity of this expansion is unnerving.

In addition to all this abuse by the state apparatus at bus stations, harmless and peaceful students at UC Davis were pepper sprayed at very close range with industrial sized canisters by campus police. Other than taking pictures and video, and chanting, not one person attempted to stop this assault.

Also in the last few days, the call to bomb Iran has increased dramatically. Syria as well is now in turmoil, probably due to U.S. interference. Russia is moving warships off the coast of Syria, and Israel is again threatening to nuke Iran.

Of course, whether it is domestic police state abuse, or the U.S. slaughtering of innocents abroad, the average American citizen is happy to sit idly by, literally hiding his proverbial head in the sand.

The risks we face are immeasurable. The threat of nuclear war is the highest I remember, and World War III is certainly possible. In addition, the entire population is being used as a test case for intimidation, indoctrination, and finally servitude. The state is not only winning this battle, but is reveling in its ability to abuse the rights of the citizens, while all the time the sheep continue to bow their heads in submission.

I want to believe that the common man will only take so much, but considering that our economy is failing, our rights have disappeared, police state violence is rampant, and continuous and expanding warmongering is prevalent, what more has to happen before the masses decide enough is enough?

Time is running out!


