Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

ChinaCoronavirusCover UpEconomics

New Book Collaboration With Cynthia McKinney

Last February I was contacted by Ex-U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and asked to be a contributor to her new book. Knowing her background of calling out the corruption and lying by the U.S. government, and her missions of peace, I was very honored to be a part of this project.

I finished my chapter in late April, and this book just became available on November 1, 2020. The title is:

WHEN CHINA SNEEZES: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” by Cynthia McKinney


I wrote Chapter 12 titled: “Biowarfare Past As Prologue? The Immoral And Criminal Use And Pursuit Of Bioweaponry,” which is page 257-276.

This is an important book that goes into great detail concerning the claimed disease, the lockdowns, the economic impact, biowarfare, and the dystopian nature of this takeover coup. Please keep in mind that this book was finished in March and April, long before certain knowledge was available, and also before all the chaos that has happened since that time. Regardless of that fact, it is timely, informative, eye-opening, and exposes the heinous nature of government and media propaganda and outright lies at every turn. This book is thoroughly referenced, and all sources and footnotes are listed in each chapter.

This is an important book that I would recommend to my readers, and it can be purchased from the publisher, Clarity Press, and most all book outlets. I and all other writer’s contributions were donated, so done for no pay or residuals.

The list of writers is outstanding, and you will recognize many of the names. They are: Gary D. Barnett, Jeff J. Brown, Helen Buyniski, Alfred de Zayas, Michael Hudson, Peter Koenig, Cynthia McKinney, Cladio Peretti, Jack Rasmus, William I. Robinson, Larry Romanoff, and Whitney Webb.

If any wish to donate or subscribe to help cover my costs of research and writing for this publication, please go the the donate page. All support is hugely appreciated.

