Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

CoronavirusPolice StatePublic Schools

Nazi Schooling ‘Virus’ Plan

By: Gary D. Barnett

I published this article at Lew Rockwell and on this site on the 13th, about the atrocious idiocy of what the public school system is doing to its students this school year. I specifically used our local school’s plan as an example, which is similar to most any school in the country.

The communistic measures as I noted in this article, are straight out of the Adolf Hitler schools.

Since then, more information continues to come in about how these children will be viewed and treated during this school year. They now are calling this a “Relaunch Plan,” with ‘essential points to note. Mask requirements now are for every single student from kindergarten to grade 12. No parent is allowed to drop off their child at school, (as if they should) but is to drop them at two designated sites away from school grounds. No co-mingling is allowed of course, and when these kids have recess, if allowed at all, they will not be able to play, but will have to be ‘6 feet’ away from any child. Classes will be distanced as well, with plexiglass cages I imagine, and lunch for some will be in the classroom behind clear walls, so that no contact or discussion can take place. This will restrict any talk about this heinous nonsense, and prepare these little kids to grow up just like their cowardly parents.

There are different phases, and of course they are color-coded, just like the big boys did during the cover-up of 9/11. Depending on your color, (here it is blue or gold) that will alert the parents and kids as to when they are allowed to be in any school building. These are being called “Cohorts,” which from the Latin means military unit. How appropriate, as the military and its “cohorts” are little different than prisons, and that is exactly what these schools have become; mini-prisons. Indoctrination is much easier under this kind of totalitarian lunacy.

In the my article noted above, I went over the entire Nazi plan, but it continues to only get worse. I hope that many parents will opt out of destroying the minds and bodies of their children by sending them to one of these prison camps called ‘public schools.’

