Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

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Killings in Kenya: Another U.S. Involvement

Immediately after the terrorist attack in Nairobi, Kenya, the media, including the local media where I live, blamed this atrocity on Islamist religious fanatics, or some strain of al Qaeda. This is the modus operandi of government and most all mainstream media when any attack occurs.

The first and only response to any attack of this nature by the U.S. is to launch a military strike against the alleged terrorists by attacking or destroying the country in question. This response is predictable in that it allows a reason, whether legitimate or not, for the U.S. military forces to once again engage in aggressive war that rewards the military industrial complex, and assists the government in gaining more power.

The real agenda is to foment hatred for a particular people; in this case those Muslims who practice Islam. This agenda has worked well so far due to the extreme ignorance and arrogant attitude of Americans.

Kenya has long been a partner with the U.S. in its prosecution of atrocities against many in that region, including Somalia . This partnership has done nothing if not foster hate among those victims of U.S. aggression in northern Africa.

A great article published today by Tony Cartaluci of the Land Destroyer Report, an article that is very well referenced, explains how this terrorist attack could easily be explained because of the massive interference and complicity of the U.S. The U.S. in its efforts to control the world through brutal imperialistic measures now has its latest world control center in Africa. It is appropriately named AFRICOM. This is a command center dedicated to the U.S. control of 53 African countries. This is only one of nine of these “command centers” around the world, but it has certainly been the most active recently.

Those terrorists now killing civilians in Kenya are the same terrorists who were killing civilians in Libya, and now are killing civilians in Syria. They are U.S. supported and funded. This was not an arbitrary act of violence, but more likely a planned or staged event meant to cause havoc in that region. These monsters have received weapons, intelligence and money directly from the U.S., and are basically a proxy force for the West.

Nothing is what it seems, and virtually every single atrocity committed in the Middle East and Africa are riddled with the fingerprints of the U.S., its murderous covert forces and the military.

This interference and complicity by the U.S. has but one goal. That goal is to use these attacks to further  the U.S. government’s efforts to destabilize that region in order to justify more war. The horrendous mainstream media is playing the role of liar and agitator for this hideous endeavor, and cannot be trusted in even a single report.

The U.S. and NATO are the cause for most all of the terrorist activity in northern Africa and beyond. The expansion of terrorist networks and atrocious acts of terrorism lies at the feet of the West, and the U.S is the leader in the effort to build terror in that region.

The only real terrorist nation today has found a home inside the U.S. government, its military industrial complex and its foreign partners in crime.  It must be stopped!

