Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Martial LawPolice State

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Police State Fascism!

Freedom as it once existed has literally disappeared from view, and has been replaced with tyranny. We now live in a totalitarian and fascist state! The police state is now upon us, as I pointed out in my last article, “Police State Fascism is Now Rampant: Martial Law is Next!”

While it could be argued that all this came about over many decades, the acceleration of our rights destruction has been ominous since September 11, 2001. These past ten years have brought economic disaster, death and destruction, multiple wars of aggression, torture, suspension of due process, and now government assassination of American citizens. In fact, it could be said that this police state has come full circle, as recent events concerning police abuse at every level shows.

The whole police system, including local, state, and federal forces, is working in lock step to intimidate and control the citizenry at every turn. Spying and warrantless searches are now common, everyday events, and with these police state abuses comes beatings, imprisonment, and killings.

Illegal warrantless searches have spread from the airports, where TSA goons accost all who choose to travel by plane, to people’s homes, to the trains and busses, to 100 miles from any U.S. border, and now to our interior roads and highways. With  this last step, the government has solidified its evil grasp of the entire population.

Every single day brings more offensive behavior by state agents. Peaceful protesters and dissenters are beaten, imprisoned, and shot with rubber bullets by police wearing heavy armor. No-knock raids are constantly being perpetrated against innocent people. In many cases, pets are instantly killed, property is destroyed, and sometimes family members are wounded or killed. Rarely do the police scum committing these crimes face any severe consequences, and naturally many get paid vacations for their efforts.

We are living in a country where the masses applaud the occupation and slaughter of innocents abroad, and cheer torture and murderous assassination. These things are celebrated at every sporting event, and on every “state” holiday.

We live in a country where it is now “suggested” by government (If You See Something, Say Something) that neighbor spy on neighbor, and turn in anyone they think is acting differently. This is not unlike many dictatorial regimes of the past, and the next obvious step could be prosecution for not reporting your fellow citizen to the police.

We live in a country where the president is now assassinating American citizens without charge or trial, or any due process, thereby acting as judge, jury, and executioner of any he chooses. This heinous behavior is not even being questioned by the general population, even though it is pure, unadulterated murder.

We live in a country that uses automated machines called drones, to kill and maim people all around the world. These same drones are currently spying on Americans at home, but in the future I predict they will be used for much more sinister domestic operations.

Yes, we do now live in a totalitarian police state! This is not arguable, but it will get much more dangerous for us all in the times ahead. The state claims the “right” to restrict or eliminate any natural right we possess, including our right to life itself. Strong measures need to be taken, and quickly, if we wish to retain any aspect of our humanity. Once the system falls into chaos, as is happening in some places today, it will probably be too late to reverse the tide. As individuals, we must act now to stop any and all state indiscretions, and should not allow this abhorrent bastardization of our liberty to continue for one minute longer!


I spoke with Brian Wilson recently on his great radio show about this subject.

You can listen here!







