Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


By: Gary D. Barnett This interview is between Dr. David Martin and Reiner Fuellmich. This is one of the most damning and factually based accounts of what has and is happening concerning this fraudulent hoax called the “Covid” virus pandemic…. Continue Reading…

"Covid-19"Climate ChangeCybersecurityDemocideDepopulationEugenicsGenocideGovernmentVaccination

By: Gary D. Barnett “In the twentieth century, governments murdered, as a prudent estimate, 272,000,000 men, women and children. It could be over 400,000,000.“ ~ Rudolph Rummel: The Blue Book of Freedom: Ending Famine, Poverty, Democide, and War (2007), p…. Continue Reading…


By; Gary D. Barnett “There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies,… Continue Reading…

"Covid-19"DemocideEugenicsFearFraudGovernmentPolice StatePropagandaTerrorismVaccination

By: Gary D. Barnett “Americans have been taught that their nation is civilized and humane. But, too often, U.S. actions have been uncivilized and inhumane.” ~ Howard Zinn, “Quotations on Terrorism”. Book by Harry Kawilarang (p. 61), 2004. The stage… Continue Reading…


By: Gary D. Barnett “Saying that a state or regime is a murderer is a convenient personification of an abstraction. Regimes are in realty people with the power to command a whole society. It is these people that have committed… Continue Reading…

